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The Khan Academy logo features a stylized tree with a hand reaching out, representing learning and growth.

100 Number Grid

A grid of numbers from 1 to 100, with each number in its own square.

An owl with a speech bubble invites you to play a game, asking you to find friends hidden in a number grid.

Multiplication Tables

A visual aid for learning multiplication, with a grid showing the products of numbers 0-9 and shaded cells for repeated facts.

Fractions and Money

A colorful logo with the text 'Decimal Tiles' in white letters against a background of blue, purple, green, and red tiles.

A change maker game with a $1 bill, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, with input fields for the number of each coin.

A silver US quarter dollar coin featuring a profile of George Washington.

A blue balloon divided into thirds with the fraction 3/3 displayed, a game title 'Balloon Pop Math Fractions - Level 1', a 'START' button, and a 'HIGH SCORES' button.